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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1909, Page 107

Description: Apr. 28: -Lucy Davisson and Valera Sanford, star in 10-ALatin. Mr. Pittenger fires six of his 12-A Eng-lish sharks. They enter chapel in a noisy manner.Mr. Cleveland asked, if they thought that was alivery-stable.Apr. 30: -Stanley Sowder goes to Bedford. 12-A Physics test.German Club tonight.May 1: -Big snow from the North. Bloomington snowedunder by Greencastle H. S., 6 to 1. Who say MayBasket?May 3: -Active work begins on Gothic Benefit. Air. Dun-can gives back test papers. Some shark said itwas harder to make steam between 2 Deg. and3 Deg. C, than between 40 Deg. and 50 Deg. C!Duffy says he never wrote that.May 5: -Orchestra practice. Mr. Noyer gave his Fresh-men marble players a rigid test this a. m. CharlesDunn says there is a whole lot in looking wisewhile you are in Room 15.May 7: -Great excitement prevails. Chapel, Big Minstrel,and Box of Monkeys tonight. Ball game tomorrowon Jordan Field.May 10: -The Gothic Benefit is over and we are all down tohard work again-item in High School News.Lloyd always did like to misrepresent things. Bus-ter Brown says if you want justice, you will findit in the dictionary.May 10: -Senior Class Meeting. Mr. Noyer begins to showhis talent as a whistler-amuses the second peopleby whistling Down in Jungle Town. Alice Bar-ker changes her style of hair dressing.May 11-12: -A term history reports due soon. Rush uponI. U. library. Ardys and Fritz spend the eveningin intense study. Ronald Scott begins a weeksvacation.May 12: -Dressmakers are overworked. Three weeks moreSay, girls, have you a date for the Junior re-ception?107Image alt-text: Four black ink panel drawings. The first panel, captioned “Mr. Noyer Fears that spring fever has hit the high school,” shows someone sleeping at the base of a tree. The second panel, captioned “Chapel for Gothic Benefit” shows someone taking a bow on a stage before a crowd. The third panel shows the back of a person with a question mark in the corner of the panel. The fourth panel, captioned “Duffy is cast out of the window” shows someone falling and about to be caught in a net by firepersons. All panels are signed “WILSON.”
Collection: Bloomington High School

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