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Work of Vandals at High School BuildingThe High School building wasre-visited last night by “unknowncharacter” and was put in a gen-eral state of confusion. Ill-smell-ing substance was scatteredthroughout the various sectionrooms, which were probably en-tered by skeleton keys, and also inthe assembly room. The wires towhich the electric bell is attached,were cut and were out of use mostof the day. The doors we re-ported to have been found offtheir hinges, and different articlesin the office were disturbed.---World.Mar. 2: -Chapel. Lloyd Edison Back wears his new blacksuit. George Henley sits among the Freshmen.People say that George always did know his place.Mar. 5: -Night Owls celebrated their second anniversarylast night. Must have held a tryout. Mr. Cleve-land had some paint on his hand and Miss Joneshad some (thing) on her cheek.Mar. 6: -Hays Buskirk advertises for bids for half-solinghis shoes. Cleveland asks if Shakespeares UPenserso” illustrates his character!Mar. 8: -Grace Harrah flunks in Geometry test. Teachershave a vague presentiment that something is goingto happen.And yesterday three birds of night did standEven at noon-day upon the school-groundsHooting and shrieking. When these prodigiesdo so conjointly meet let not men sayThese are their reasons; they are NaturalFor I believe they are portentous thingsUnto the climate that they point upon.Mar. 10: -Winnie Easton stars in English and the bells re-refused to ring!Mar. 11: -Class meeting. Harry Botts tells how to raisefour or five thousand dollars for the Gothic.Mar. 12: -Star Shoe Shop gets Buskirk contract, lowest bid,$1.98.Mar. 15: -Seniors begin to sit for pictures. Fatty Wooleryputs on Sigmi Chi colors.Mar. 16: -Physics test. Seniors look worn out.Mar. 17: -Shamrock Quartette sings We didnt get hometill morning, and that was Irish too.Mar. 20: -Junior election. Willie Cree won his first race.(Not the first race he ever run, but the first racehe ever won. Reason he won this time was becausehe had no opponent).Mar. 22: -Senate meets. Zack says, Them Night Owl fel-fellers had better lay low while the gran-jury is incession. 105Image alt-text: Two black ink panel drawings. The first panel shows a person sweating while walking in the sunlight. The second panel shows someone walking with shoes captioned “Biff” and “Bang.” Another person in the panel is pointing to the other and says, “Beat it! The wind is with you.” The panel is captioned, “Mr. Pittenger fires six seniors.” Both panels are signed “WILSON.” |
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Bloomington High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.