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Health Office Is MCCSC HeadquartersFUNCTIONING AS the headquarters of the MCCSC health service department, the BHS health office provided a varity of services during theschool year. Some of the servicesprovided were emergency first aid,vision tests, tuberculosis tests, maintenance of student and facultyhealth records, and physicals forathletes.Dr. Thomas Middleton, directorof MCCSC Health Services, met withthe seven full time nurses bi-monthly in order to discuss both presentand anticipated health problems. Mr.Sidney Janssen, Speech and Hearingtherapist, conducted hearing testsand aided those students withspeech and hearing difficulties.UPPER RIGHT: Mrs. Conard checks out asore throat for Miss Fortinberry, studentteacher.LOWER RIGHT: Checking a BHS studentspulse is Dr. Tom Middleton.AZmmmMrs. Sara Jo Mr. Sidney JanssenBrummett Speech and Hear-Student Health ing TherapistRecords114 |
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Bloomington High School |
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