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0102_Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1972, Page 98

Description: Band Displays Talent On IU AstroturfThe first home football game, thefirst halftime performance of theseason, the first song played by theBHS varsity Band in front of 10,000fans, this was the situation and theperformance was spectacular as theband marched on the IU Astroturf.From this performance, the VarsityBand, directed by Mr. Donald Traub,displayed its talents in routine andmusical each home football game. After the annual moneyraising Texas Fruit Cake sale, theband closed the years activities witha bright Spring Concert.Presenting their own Spring concert, the Symphonic Wind Ensemblefinished a successful year which included convocations and a specialChristmas Program.A new addition to the music department during the 1971-72 schoolyear was Stage Band II. Composedmainly of sophomores, the groupperformed primarily for school concerts. Meanwhile Stage Band Iplayed for elementary and secondary MCCSC schools and communityorganizations with great success.The Panther basketball seasonbrought the formation of pep bandwhich worked with the BHS Pom-pettes in coordinating music androutines. This band encouraged thefans spirits and supported the teamsin moments of tragedy as well as oftriumph.Varsity ChoirVarsity Band
Collection: Bloomington High School

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