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So I woke up at four sixteen yesterday morning (Nov. 3). I crammed into a van withour fearless leader (Chuck), math guru Sue, andthe mad scientist Jeff. Along with my cohortsAngela Calabrese, Tonya Blackwell, SarahTures, and Glenn Wyatt, we all met at five andbegan our four-hour journey to Michigan City.Our goal: on hands visitation of another alternative haven, another institution where childrenwere actually being “educated”.I knew I was going to see a school ofchoice. I knew this city was near both Gary andChicago, but I didn’t think that gangs could be anissue. Maybe being here in Bloomington so longmade me forget about that kind of problem. Butviolence is still out there. From what I heard, it’sin Michigan City as well. Not to mention that therewas a local crack dealer who spent a good dealof time at the Marathon station down the streetfrom Michigan City Alternative High School. Ithink that this inner city situation created a stricterenvironment for the school. They had rules banning gang-affiliated accessories, or at least anything that could raise a conflict. No hats or facia lpiercings, either. Students weren’t given breaksand most don’t attend a full day, anyway. Therewas no profanity allowed and students careenough about their school to rat each other outfor bringing drugs to school.No matter what restrictions were put onstudents, they maintained that sense of family.Students showed compassion for the thingseach had to deal with, and teachers cared aboutthe students. And no matter who really caredabout the school, the kids were working like theycared. Even if it’s just for the diploma.Suzie chats with Micki Webb,assistant principal at Michigan City.By: Clarence KnappParallel Universe |
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Aurora Alternative High School |
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