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Aurora Alternative High School, The Phoenix, 2000, Page 2

Description: Nightmares Fantasiesand Dreams, oh my!Dreams: My dream would be for a just world andsociety, said one person. Another person said, Iwould like a free world, where we are free fromprejudice, greed and stupidity. Some peoplewanted to have their own apartment and breakfree from parental control. Quite a few studentssaid that htey would like to win the lottery. Imag-ine that! I want to make it through life, said one.Others want to graduate and succeed. Good luckto all of you!Fantasies: “I fantasize about being rich andfamous,” one student said. My fantasy is forsomeone to love me for who I am, and not takeadvantage of me,” another student said. “I wantto play guitar with Nailbomb or Soulfly,” someonestated. “I want to be immortal. I want to have a lotof kids, and live somewhere in Ireland orCornwell England. I want to live in a really old, 3/4stone house in the middle of pinewoods. I wantreally green grass growing around my house. Iwant water nearby, and fairies and little peopleliving around me,” one person said. One personsaid that they don’t have any fantasies, they havereality. One member of the Yearbook staff said,“I just want to marry this certain guy, that’s all!” Acouple of people said that their fantasy was to betheir true selves one day.The conclusion is that everyone hasdreams, fantasies, and nightmares.
Collection: Aurora Alternative High School

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