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0093_Aurora Alternative High School, The Phoenix, 1999

Description: PaulOnce there was a lady. Her name was Ella May. She had 3 children. Theirnames were Johnny, Jefferson, and Emma May. Jefferson was the youngest, he was 4.Johnny was in the middle, he was 6, and Emma May was the oldest, she was 16. EllaMay called Johnny, John, Jefferson, Jeff and Emma May, May because her name andEllas name were so much alike.The childrens father was dead; he was killed in a car accident. John wasnteven bom, Jeff was about 1 1/ and May was 11 1/2, the only child that has anymemories of their father.May used to talk to her brothers about their father, but the memories got toopainful, so she stopped. May could remember her father as a nice, sweet man. Sheremembered her father taking her out andplaying in the meadow with her andpickingflowers for Ella May. His name was Paul.May was only about 14 when she started to remember the mean things herfather had done to her and her mother. Tie was an alcoholic, and when he was drunk,he was very violent and he would beat her and her mother. Before Johnny was bom, hewould hit Ella May in the stomach and almost killed the baby. When Jeff was little hewould lock him in a room and make him cry so hard that he would lose his voice.One night when everybody was in bed the children heard something coming upthe stairs. They ran into their mothers room and woke her up. She went to the closetandgot her rifle and loaded it, because she thought that it was a burglar. She went tothe top of the stairs and there before her stood a man, but it wasnt a burglar. It wasthe ghost of her dead husband. Ella screamed to the top of her lungs. The children ranto see what the matter was, but the only person that could see (Paul was Ella.The children asked their mother what was wrong, but all she could say was“ghost! The children looked down the stairs and saw nothing. They told their motherto go back, to bed and go to sleep.It was about 7:30 am and the children were up and ready for school. They lettheir mother sleep and were not even going to wake her up to tell her that they weregoing. Instead, they left her a note. The note read,Mom,All the kids went to school.Love yaEmma MayWhen Ella got up, she went to the bedrooms and saw that they were not there.She went downstairs and they were not down there. She didnt find the letter. Ellathought that the ghost of Paul had kidnapped the kids and did away with themsomehow because he was jealous of them.
Collection: Aurora Alternative High School

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