Aurora Alternative High School, The Phoenix, 1996, Page 78

Description: MINIMAGAZINE“Not Guilty” The wordsheard round the world. OnOctober 3,1995, the jury inthe case against O. J.Simpson found him innocent of the murders ofNicole Simpson and RonaldGoldman. Cheers andgroans could be heard inthe streets shortly after.On October 16,1995, LouisFarrakhan attempted to uniteAfrican-American men. Fourhundred thousand black menmarched onWashington DC.The attempt for amillion people fellshort, yet it stillmade a largeimpact on manypeople’s lives.Yitzhak Rabin(3/1/22-11/4/95)On Saturday November 4,1995, shortly after a peacerally in downtown Tel Aviv,Yigal Amir shot and killedYitzhak Rabin, prime minister of Israel. The assassination affected millions ofpeople around the world. SPEEDLIMIT£8
Collection: Aurora Alternative High School

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