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Ford J Car and Revised Ford J Car, 1966

Description: Text on photograph reads: Original Ford J Car. April, 1966-- the Ford J Car, an experimental vehicle designed to succeed the Ford Mark II-A, made its first public appearance at the LeMans trials and circulated at near-record speeds. However, subsequent tests showed the car was not ready to race and none was entered in the 24-hour road race. First Revised Ford J Car. August, 1966--A highly-modified, lightweight version of the J Car was tested at Riverside Raceway in California. The test ended in tragedy when veteran driver Ken Miles lost his life in a crash, the cause of which remains a mystery despite an intensive investigation.
Origin: 1966
Collection: Sports Car Club of America
Copyright: Copyright Sports Car Club of America. Copyright permissions granted for non-commercial use by Sports Car Club of America
Subjects: Sports Car Club of America
Sports car racing
Sports cars
Ford Motor Company
Ford automobile

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