Ohio Ball Game, 1963

Description: On back of photo: A Kiwanian umpires a Kiwanis sponsored Little League baseball team. Bob Schott-umpire, Gale Ritchie-catcher Rockets, Dan Cordle-Batter-Hornets. Kiwanis Magazine: Its Play Ball! all over Linden Heights, Columbus, Ohio, each June as the Kiwanis clubs softball league gets under way. In 1962, more than 1800 boys played on 105 league teams. Kiwanians, who supply all equipment and most of the leadership and coaching, believe they have the largest softball league in the world under a single sponsorship.
Origin: 1963
Source: http://iuidigital.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/Kiwanis/id/2337
Collection: Kiwanis International
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Copyright: Copyright Trustees of Indiana University
Subjects: Kiwanis International
Softball players
Baseball players
Baseball umpires
Schott, Bob
Ritchie, Gale
Cordle, Dan
Kiwanis Club of Linden Heights (Columbus, Ohio)

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