Dr. Frances K. McGlannan

Description: On back of photo: Atlanta, Georgia, 1975. Dr. Frances K. McGlannan. Research Editor, Journal of Learning Disabilities; Founder and Director, McGlannan School, a Language Arts Center. Contemporary Issue speaker, 60th annual convention of Kiwanis International. Kiwanis Magazine: Contemporary Issues speaker at Atlanta will be an authority on dyslexia, Mrs. Frances K. McGlannan.
Origin: 1975
Source: http://iuidigital.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/Kiwanis/id/2232
Collection: Kiwanis International
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Copyright: Copyright Trustees of Indiana University
Subjects: Kiwanis International
Annual Kiwanis International Convention (60th : 1975 : Atlanta, Ga.)
McGlannan, Frances K.

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