Women dressed up with hats and nametags

Description: Handwritten on back of photo: Top Row 1. Miss Alys Weitendorf 2. Miss Glen D. Barton 3. Mrs. Walter P. Morton 4. Mrs. Mary Scales Day. Bottom Row 1. Miss Anne Wells 2. Miss Elizabeth Pitman 3. Mrs. John W. Emhardt 4. Mrs. Othniel Hitch 5. Miss Florence Martin. Stamped on back of photo: Photo by Bill Boggs. Indianapolis Chapter 1126 N. Meridian Street.
Created By: Boggs, Bill
Contributor(s): Funding provided by an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant, administered by the Indiana State Library
Source: http://iuidigital.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/IRC/id/79
Collection: Indiana Red Cross
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-NC/1.0/
Copyright: Copyright Indiana Red Cross. Copyright permissions granted for non-commercial use by Indiana Red Cross.
Subjects: World War I
People associated with military activities
Weitendorf, Alys, Miss
Barton, Glen D., Miss
Morton, Walter P., Mrs.
Scales Day, Mary, Mrs.
Wells, Anne, Miss
Pitman, Elizabeth, Miss
Emhardt, John W., Mrs.
Hitch, Othniel, Mrs.
Martin, Florence, Miss

Further information on this record can be found at its source.