Collection Order

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Art Print of Thomas and Oldfield, 1914

Description: An art print depicts René Thomas in his #16 Delage and Barney Oldfield in his #3 Stutz as they race across the track during the 1914 Indianapolis 500. Thomas would finish in first place that year and Oldfield would finish in fifth.
Origin: 1914
Contributor(s): Funding provided by an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant, administered by the Indiana State Library
Collection: Indianapolis Motor Speedway Collection
Copyright: Copyright Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Copyright permissions granted for non-commercial use by Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Subjects: Thomas, René, 1886-1975
Oldfield, Berna Eli, 1878-1946
Automobiles, Racing
Automobile racing drivers
Indianapolis Motor Speedway (Speedway, Ind.)
Indianapolis Speedway Race

Further information on this record can be found at its source.