Description: |
1887 Sanborn Map: <br> 1898 Sanborn Map: <br> 1915 Sanborn Map: <br> Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission: 223 North East Street Indianapolis Indiana Marion Center Lockerbie Square Historic District German Evangelical Church Parsonage <br>233 North East Street <br>1883 <br>Construction of this two-story frame house began in the winter of 1882 and was completed the following year. It was constructed as the parsonage of the First German Church of the Evangelical Association and was erected during the construction of the church next door. The first occupant was Rev. Mathias Hoehn and his family in 1883. Hoehn moved in when he assumed his pastorate that year. He served as pastor for three terms: 1858-59. 1871-73, and 1883-84. The last pastor to reside here was Rev. Charles P. Maas in 1923. The church records in 1923 describe the neighborhood as not too desirable as a place to rear a family. That year the pastor requested a house in the suburbs. The old parsonage served as a parish house with social meeting rooms and classrooms. It later served as the church custodians house. <br>The form and shape of this house has not changed since 1898. Sometime before that year the corner porch was added. The only other change has been the replacement of the porch post with a brick pier and the addition of asbestos siding in 1958. The house consists of two stories with a cross gable roof. The rear portion is in two parts: a one-and-a-half story section and a one-story section. The windows are the original two-over-two lights. <br>-From Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission, Lockerbie Square Historic Area Preservation Plan, 1987 |
Origin: | c. 1968 |
Created By: |
Indiana Landmarks |
Contributor(s): |
Funding provided by an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant, administered by the Indiana State Library |
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Collection: |
Indiana Landmarks Historic Architecture Collection |
Rights: | |
Copyright: |
Any copies made from materials in the Indiana Landmarks Collection may be protected by U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code), which governs reproduction, distribution, public display, and certain other uses of protected works. No further transmission or distribution of this material is allowed without the written consent of Indiana Landmarks, 800-450-4534. |
Subjects: |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.