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418 N. Park Avenue, Peter Shaub Cottage, Lockerbie Square, Indianapolis, c.1990

Description: 418 N. Park Avenue, Peter Shaub Cottage, Lockerbie Square, Indianapolis, c.1990, moved 1904
Peter Schaub Cottage <br>418 North Spring Street <br>c. 1855, moved 1904 <br>Peter Schaub was the builder of this small frame cottage. An examination of the mortice and tenon framing reveals that the cottage was originally one story with an added half story and a rear addition which nearly doubled the size of the original cottage. This enlargement took place sometime before 1887. The cottage originally faced Noble Street (College Avenue) but was moved circa 1904 when Michael Mode built his brick double residence at 417 North College. Schaub was an express wagon driver and lived here until his death in either 1869 or 1870. His wife Elizabeth continued to live here until 1875. Features of the cottage include a gable roof, gable window with molded hood, three-bay front with center entrance, rear lean-to, and a porch with turned posts. <br>Lockerbie Square Historic Area Preservation Plan, 1987
single-family dwelling
Collection: Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Copyright: Any copies made from materials in the IHPC Collection may be protected by U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code), which governs reproduction, distribution, public display, and certain other uses of protected works. No further transmission or distribution of this material is allowed without the written consent of Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission, 317-327-4406.
Geography: Indianapolis (Ind.)
Subjects: Architecture--Indiana--Indianapolis
Built environment
Historic districts
gable-front houses

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