1338 N. New Jersey St., Oscar Frenzel House

Description: On slide mount: Oscar Frenzel House, 1338 N. New Jersey
The Oscar F. Frenzel House1338 North New Jersey Street1905-6This Free Classic house is a fine example of the elements of the style: clapboard siding, symmetrical facade, and details drawn from classical sources. Three-sided bays were often used here on both the first and second level. The large dormer has a full pedimented gable with dentils. The fluted porch columns can be found on other houses on the street. Oscar D. Frenzel constructed the home as his permanent residence.Associated with Merchants Bank, Frenzel rose from the level of messenger to that of vice president by 1915. He was known for his conservative banking policies. Frenzel Brothers was another of his interests. This firm was comprised of Oscar and his brothers John and Otto, and dealt in investment securities and foreign exchange. He lived in the home until his death. His widow, Lillian, and son, Oscar F. Frenzel, Jr., continued to occupy the house for several years. It was finally sold by Oscar Frenzel, Jr., in 1963.Old Northside Historic Area Preservation Plan, 1979
single-family dwelling
Source: http://iuidigital.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/HT/id/429
Collection: Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Copyright: In Copyright
Geography: Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/4259418/, 39.76838, -86.15804
Subjects: Historic buildings--Indiana--Indianapolis
Built environment
Historic districts
Frenzel, Oscar D.
Frenzel, Lillian
Frenzel, Oscar, Jr.
Queen Anne Style
Free Classic Style
hip roofs
gable dormers
clapboard siding
two-story bay windows

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