2057 N. New Jersey St., Elliott House, 1986

Description: 2057 N. New Jersey St., Elliott House, 1986 [Partial view left: 2065 N. New Jersey St.]
Elliott House2057 North New Jersey Streetc. 1903This distinctive house was constructed sometime between 1902 and 1905 by Robert Elliott, president of the Standard Dry Kiln Co. A photograph of the house was published in the 1908 Art Works of Indianapolis, Indiana. It was occupied by Robert C. Elliott until 1944. Thereafter the house had a series of short-term owner-occupants.This English Picturesque Style frame house has half-timber cladding on the second floor and brick walls on the first. There is a recessed front entrance with stone surrounds; the same treatment is applied to the windows of the first floor. There is also a front porch with multi-hued brickwork. The house has a slated, twin-gabled roof with a gable dormer, a front facade oriel, and a centered, gabled porch with timber framing.Herron-Morton Place Historic Area Preservation Plan, 1986
single-family dwelling
Origin: 1986
Source: http://iuidigital.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/HT/id/2649
Collection: Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Copyright: In Copyright
Geography: Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/4259418/, 39.76838, -86.15804
Subjects: Architecture--Indiana--Indianapolis
Built environment
Historic districts
Tudor Revival

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