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Hill Engine

Description: This is a drawing of an engine similar to the one used on the Madison Railroad in its early years. Built by the Baldwin Company of Pennsylvania, the inscription for the picture reads: The hill-climbing locomotive built by Andrew Cathcart in 1840 for traversing the inclined plane at Madison by means of a cog-wheel and cog-rail. This was succeeded in time by engines heavy and powerful enough to climb the hill by ordinary traction. There was great discussion as to whether Cathcart or a man named Hoyt actually was entitled to the credit for the improvements in the cog-rail system that made it possible to ascend the hill.
Origin: 1840
Collection: River to Rail and Lemen Collection
Copyright: Permission to reproduce this image for other than personal use must be requested from the Director of the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library. Please contact at 420 W. Main St., Madison, IN 47250 (812) 265-2744.
Subjects: Railroad locomotives
Inclined railroads
Railroad cuts

Further information on this record can be found at its source.