Collection Order

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Homer Smith (Steamboat)

Description: According to Ways Packet Directory the Homer Smith was build by Howards in 1914. The Homer Smith ran excursions on the lower Ohio in 1915 and briefly tried the Louisville and Cincinnati trade. It became a regular excursion boat at Pittsburg running tramp excursions in the spring. The Homer Smith was sold in 1928 to the Pittsburg Amusement Company. They renamed it the Greater Pittsburgh. The boat burned in April of 1931. Arson was suspected but not proven. Photograph taken circa 1915
Origin: 1915
Collection: River to Rail and Lemen Collection
Copyright: Permission to reproduce this image for other than personal use must be requested from the Director of the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library. Please contact at 420 W. Main St., Madison, IN 47250 (812) 265-2744.
Subjects: Steamboats

Further information on this record can be found at its source.