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Jay C Grocery Store - Jefferson Street

Description: The first Jay C Store was opened in Madison in 1927 by J. C. Grubb of Seymour, Indiana. It was the second store opened by Mr. Grubb and it was located at 103 East Main Street. In 1928, Grubb opened another store at 319 Jefferson. After a few years the store became too small and the adjoining building at 317 Jefferson was purchased from the Hunger heirs in 1940. The old building was demolished and work started on the new grocery. In December of 1940 the grand opening was held for the first Super Food Market in Madison. The Jay C Store moved its location to Second Street in the 1980s and the building stood vacant for a few years until it became the Eagle Lodge. Also pictured is Bells Cream Station at 313 Jefferson street. It was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell of Hanover, Indiana.
Origin: 1949
Created By: Harry Lemen, photographer
Collection: River to Rail and Lemen Collection
Copyright: Permission to reproduce this image for other than personal use must be requested from the Director of the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library. Please contact at 420 W. Main Street Madison, IN 47250 (812) 265-2744
Geography: Indiana-Jefferson County-Madison
Subjects: Business enterprises
Grocery trade

Further information on this record can be found at its source.