Collection Order

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First Christian Church of Madison - 512 West Main Street

Description: The First Christian Church is located at 512 West Main Street in Madison. The original church building was erected in 1863. In the early morning hours of September 28, 1899, a fire of undetermined origin practically destroyed the entire interior of the church. Only the walls were left intact. The building was restored, and in March of 1901 the first service in the newly renovated building was held. On Christmas Eve of 1989 another disastrous fire broke out, supposedly in the kitchen area of the basement, and this, once again, gutted the entire interior of the church. In the early 1950s the church had purchased adjoining property to the west in order to build a new educational wing and offices. This wing was not damaged by the fire but sustained much water and smoke damage. The church building was completely restored. Picture taken before 1950 expansion
Origin: 1950
Created By: Harry Lemen, photographer
Collection: River to Rail and Lemen Collection
Copyright: Permission to reproduce this image for other than personal use must be requested from the Director of the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library. Please contact at 420 W. Main Street Madison, IN 47250 (812) 265-2744
Geography: Indiana-Jefferson County-Madison
Subjects: Church buildings

Further information on this record can be found at its source.