Dunes first purchase check

Description: Black and White Photograph. Governor Jackson presented John O. Bowers a check for $32,034.00 in payment for the first purchase of 106 acres of duneland for Indiana Dunes State Park. This photograph is part of the album First Purchase of the Dunes.
Origin: 1925-09-02
Contributor(s): Division;
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p181901coll35/id/505
Collection: DNR State Parks and Reservoirs
Copyright: For Fair Use Only. Not For Commercial Use. These images are available for editorial and academic use only. For information on commercial or other image requests, please contact Megan Coy, IDNR Digital Archivist, at mcoy@dnr.in.gov.
Subjects: Beaches
Historic People and Figures

Further information on this record can be found at its source.