White man or mulatto?: Beyond human belief pamphlet, ca. 1977

Description: A pamphlet claiming that white men need to take back their country from black people and describes black people as inherently lazy and less intelligent.
Origin: circa 1977
Publisher: Ku Klux Klan (1915-)
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16066coll69/id/128
Collection: Ku Klux Klan in Indiana
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
Copyright: In Copyright – Educational Use Permitted
Geography: Greenwood, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Ku Klux Klan (1915- )
Hate groups
White supremacy movements

Further information on this record can be found at its source.