Correspondence, 1925 December 1-9

Description: Correspondence, speeches, and other documents sent to and from Will H. Hays during the 1920s. Born in Sullivan, Indiana in 1879, Hays served as chairman of the Republican National Committee (February 1918-June 1921); manager of Warren G. Hardings presidential campaign (1920); U.S. postmaster general (March 1921-March 1922); and president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) (1922-1945). In addition to materials related to Hays personal and professional interests, this folder contains correspondence about remarks given in honor of Hays late father-in-law at a Bar meeting, censorship and admission tax, the motion picture business in Connecticut, job requests or recommendations, the Near East Relief, and a partnership between the MPPDA and the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of New York.
Origin: 1925-12-01
Created By: Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison), 1879-1954
Collection: Will H. Hays Collection
Copyright: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Geography: United States
Subjects: Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison), 1879-1954
Politics and government
Republican National Committee (U.S.)
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-)
Motion picture industry
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
Connolly, Jack S.
New, Harry S. (Harry Stewart), 1858-1937
Presbyterian Church
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Schenck, Joseph M., 1877-1961
Arbuckle, Roscoe, 1887-1933
Golden, John, 1874-1955
Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864-1928
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation
Laemmle, Carl, 1867-1939
Kent, Sidney R., 1885-1959
Advertising Club of New York
Goodrich, James P. (James Putnam), 1864-1940
Roosevelt Memorial Association
Hollywood Studio Club
DeMille, Constance Adams, 1874-1960
Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952
Near East Relief (Organization)
Press releases
Motion picture theater owners

Further information on this record can be found at its source.