Correspondence, 1925 December 10-16

Description: Correspondence, speeches, and other documents sent to and from Will H. Hays during the 1920s. Born in Sullivan, Indiana in 1879, Hays served as chairman of the Republican National Committee (February 1918-June 1921); manager of Warren G. Hardings presidential campaign (1920); U.S. postmaster general (March 1921-March 1922); and president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) (1922-1945). In addition to materials related to Hays personal and professional interests, this folder contains correspondence about a pool of money raised to pay politicians for favorable votes, job requests or recommendations, the Hollywood Studio Club, motion picture business in Connecticut, and Christmas gifts. It also includes correspondence about a dispute between Universal Pictures and Famous Players-Lasky Corporation in regards to a contract with Germany and complaints about contracts, block booking, and arbitration from the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Indiana.
Origin: 1925-12-10
Created By: Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison), 1879-1954
Collection: Will H. Hays Collection
Copyright: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Geography: United States
Subjects: Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison), 1879-1954
Politics and government
Republican National Committee (U.S.)
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-)
Motion picture industry
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
Goodrich, James P. (James Putnam), 1864-1940
Pettijohn, C. C. (Charles Clyde), 1881-1948
Beetson, Fred W.
Rogers, Will, 1879-1935
Work, Hubert, 1860-1942
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933
Coolidge, Grace Goodhue, 1879-1957
Connolly, Jack S.
Golden, John, 1874-1955
Eastman Kodak Company
Schenck, Nicholas M., 1880-1969
Hollywood Studio Club
Zukor, Adolph, 1873-1976
Cochrane, Robert H., 1879-1973
Loew’s Incorporated
Pathé Exchange
Kent, Sidney R., 1885-1959
Hays, Hinkle C.
Kauffman, Reginald Wright, 1877-1959
Laemmle, Carl, 1867-1939
Universal Pictures Corporation
Famous Players-Lasky Corporation
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
Milliken, Carl E. (Carl Elias), 1877-1961
Lasky, Jesse L., 1880-1958
Motion picture theater owners
Warner, Samuel Louis, 1887-1927
Block booking

Further information on this record can be found at its source.