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1855-10-21 Letter to Sister Basilide Seneschal

Description: A letter to Sister Basilide Sénéchal telling her if she leaves she may regret it, but if, after serious discernment, she stays, she must not mention it again. She reports that Margaret’s mother has arrived; it appears that a telegram Mother Theodore had sent her did not reach her in time. Dated October 21, 1855.
Origin: 1855-10-21
Created By: Guérin, Theodore, Saint, 1798-1856
Contributor(s): Sénéchal, Basilide, Soeur, 1812-1878
Collection: Letters and Journals of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Subjects: Guérin, Theodore, Saint, 1798-1856 -- Correspondence

Further information on this record can be found at its source.