30. Horseshoes

Description: Another image from the playing field at the camp. A small screened in shelter stands at the left side, and a bus is parked beyond it. In the middle of the image and to the right, four boys play a game of horseshoes. A student, center and near the back of the picture watches from a teeter pole. No one is on the merry-go-round, but an adult can be seen walking from the parking lot to the campground.
Origin: 1988
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16066coll24/id/2094
Collection: Clark County Visual History
Copyright: The Jeffersonville Township Public Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights such as publicity and/or privacy rights is required for distribution, reproduction, and other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.
Geography: 1888 State Rd 135 (Nashville, Brown County, Indiana)
Subjects: Education
Jeffersonville (Clark County, Indiana) -- History
River Valley Middle School -- History -- 1987-1988 -- Field Trip
Gnaw Bone Camp -- History -- 1987-1988
Playground Equipment -- History
Horseshoes -- Indiana -- History

Further information on this record can be found at its source.