Letter, Hugh McGary (Evansville) to Governor Thomas Posey, 19 September 1814

Description: McGary complains about an illegal election of Castleberry to the colonelcy of the 10th Regiment of the Indiana Territorial Militia. McGary also discusses his own candidacy for brigadier general of the militia. He concludes the letter reporting the election of several officers.
Origin: 1814-09-19
Created By: McGary, Hugh
Contributor(s): Posey, Thomas, 1750-1818
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15078coll3/id/272
Collection: Indiana Before Statehood
Copyright: The State Archives charges a Use Fee for the use of its images in publications, exhibits, or on websites. Please consult with an archivist, and see their website for further information http://www.in.gov/icpr/2452.htm.
Subjects: Indiana Territory. Militia
Castleberry, Thomas E.
Cumming, William
Young, Adam
Hedden, John
Stone, William
Downing, Timothy
Gipson, Julius
Todd, William

Further information on this record can be found at its source.