Collection Order

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To Peo of Jasper Co From RH Milroy Date Unk 1861

Description: A letter to Rev. Workman, where Milroy thanks the people of Rensselaer for the war horse they gave him upon leaving for the war.
Created By: Milroy, Robert Huston, 1816-1890
Collection: General Robert H. Milroy
Copyright: This item is owned by the Jasper County Public Library. Permission to publish or reproduce this item is required and must be obtained from the Director of the Jasper County Public Library, Rensselaer, Indiana. Please visit for more information.
Subjects: Jasper Co. (Ind.)
Indiana Infantry Regiment, 9th (1861-1865)
Jasper (Horse)
Thank-you notes

Further information on this record can be found at its source.