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Dispatch call, June 6, 1969, around 11:39 PM

Description: This is a digitized recording of a dictabelt, which the Indianapolis Fire Department used to record dispatch calls during the 1960s and 1970s. Following are the calls on this dictabelt: Engine 3 and District 4 are on station, Task Force and Truck 15 will be in shortly. Truck 15 had to go back to pick up personal belongings.; Main break on from Olive to Legrand to Calhoun, Laurel from Legrand to Calhoun, Boyd from Legrand to Calhoun, Calhoun from Shelby to Boyd.; Question on whether they checked on Police for down here, answer was yes.; Call to home to dispatchers daughter to tell her mother that they were on a Code 4 and not to call him that evening.; 7s calling for Chief Commons in the office.; Jake speaking, call from Alte?, reporting that only two policemen with night sticks down stairs. Alte? Thought there were supposed to be one on each apparatus, not the case.; 22nd and College is an unfounded report.; Told to get the police dispatcher to call his riot control.; Holland? from the 28s Engine from the A Shift seeing if there was a Code 4.; Task Force 9, all men, 22nd and College, silent alarm. 11:39pm.; The police just put out another Code 3, it will be another half an hour before they get any information?; Code 4 in effect, calls out to Speedway, Lawrence, and Beach Grove.; Bob is dispatch, caller asking for Alte who went to Task Force 9, the caller is supposed to go to the fairgrounds but has no fire clothes. Caller is in Task Force 6 at the fairgrounds. 23s report to the Training School.; Slew? Marsh calling asking if a Code 4 was in effect. Squad 20 is at the 25s.; Hahn from the 21s asking about the Code 4.; Female caller, said she had called previously, reporting a wire in the fuse box on fire at 1127 Eugene.; Dead air from 12:40-until the end of the recording.
Origin: 1969-06-06; 1969-06; 1969
Collection: Indianapolis Firefighters Museum
Copyright: In Copyright;
Subjects: Fire departments--Indiana--Indianapolis
Emergency communication systems--Officials and employees

Further information on this record can be found at its source.