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Suadetones flyer

The Suadetones flyer

Description: Promotional flyer for Doug Suade & the Suadetones.; Includes a photo of a July 1988 performance at the First Avenue Nightclub, Minneapolis, MN.
Text in image: Suade. Doug Suade & The Suadetones. Once in a great while there comes a performer so riveting. Doug Suade is such a man ... Hailing from Las Vegas, Indiana, he took the 80s by storm ... While he may be only a passing blip on the virtual continuum of the musical timeline ... Doug Suade will continue to baffle and defy the rigid parameters set by his musical peers. The Suadetones are not to be missed.
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Origin: circa 1988
Created By: Suadetones (Musical group)
Collection: No Bar & Grill and Bob Chaos Records
Geography: United States
North and Central America
Subjects: Suadetones (Musical group)
Sound recording industry
Music trade--Marketing

Further information on this record can be found at its source.