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Indiana outdoors episode 102

Albany Farm

Description: This episode includes an introduction by First Lady of Indiana Judy OBannon, a visit to the horsemans camp at Brown County State Park in Horsing Around, travel to the original Indiana state capital in Historic Corydon, the story Raptor Repair, which profiles Hardy Lake interpretive naturalist and wildlife rehabilitator Tammy Davis, the Lambert family restoring wildlife at their home near Selma in Backyard Prairie, and Big Tree Hugger, a piece about measuring and recording large tree sizes in a state registry.
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Origin: 2001
Created By: Carlson, Nancy B.; Clemmons, Samuel W.
Contributor(s): Ditmire, Jill; Van Meter, Don; Fultz, Rob; Morton, Cathy; Morris, Valerie; Waters, Sharolyn; Hendryx, David; Freeman, Scott Evan; Boucher, Julie K.; Witherite, Jason; Firestone, Marc; Dungan, Kelly Clark; Feltz, Del; Gardiner, Kathryn; Peresie, Tim; Mason, Eric; Miller, Brian; Riggs, Kim;
Collection: Indiana Outdoors Videos
Geography: Indiana
United States
North and Central America
Subjects: Outdoor recreation--Indiana
Educational television programs
OBannon, Judy
Van Meter, Don
Ditmire, Jill
Baird, Doug
Brockman, Bill
Hall, Gerrad
Davis, Tammy
Lambert, Jim
Lambert, Judy
Kramer, Scott
Westfall, Tom

Further information on this record can be found at its source.