1990-10-03 Ball State daily news, Vol. 70, No. 31

Easterner (Muncie, Ind.); Ball State news; Ball State daily news; Ball State University daily news; Daily news (Muncie, Ind.)

Description: Germany celebrates unification; Bush asks support for tax increase, spending cuts; Shooting victim in fair condition, suspect held, charges pending; Zulu chief says meeting with Mandela useless; Bush supported, but given no blank checks; Chinese plane crash kills 127; Segregation laws questioned; Die Einheit* : A great day for Germans to create a new nation; One man’s pleasure was his parents’ hell; Black revolution seeks paybacks to break bonds of mind, soul; Clapton lovers must open minds; ‘Nick and Nora’ musical postponed until spring; Action for Animals concerned; Indianapolis zoo wants baby elephants; National Collegiate Athletic Association to reconsider University of Nevada Las Vegas postseason ban; Browns still have shot at playoffs; Red Sox fail to clinch as White Sox win, 3-2; Wright provides leadership on line; Lyght might boost Irish secondary; Florida sets lofty goals despite National Collegiate Athletic Association probation; Florida rivals put title hopes on line
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Origin: 1990-10-03
Created By: Harper, Mark
Publisher: Ball State University
Source: http://dmr.bsu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/BSUDlyNws/id/90035
Collection: BSU Student Newspaper
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Geography: Muncie
Delaware County
United States
North and Central America
Subjects: Ball State University--Newspapers

Further information on this record can be found at its source.