Description: |
Audio-Visual Aids Institute Convening Here; Noted Educator Is Speaker at Convo In Assembly Hall; Spotlight Club To Present Winter Play; []Cupids Carnival To Be Feb[ruary] 9; [T]ichenor Addresses A[merican] A[ssociation of] U[niversity] W[omen] Group; Students Hear Timely Lecture; LaFollette Teaches Course at Bluffton; Calls for Teachers Received by College; Students Invited To Use Workshop Located in T[eaching] M[aterials] S[ervice]; Forty Students To Give Show; Minneapolis Symphony Group Makes Muncie Appearance; Triangles Give Scholarship; Hiawatha Hop Planned For All-School Party; Present Campusites Are Passing Up Golden Opportunity; Music Students Join Honorary; Beeman To Attend New York Meeting; Nurses Hear Bryson; Van Cleve To Teach At Camp Miniwanea; DDT To Be Studied At Audubon Meeting; Attend University Dinner; This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include offensive content. Our statement regarding objectionable content is available at: |
Origin: | 1946-02-01 |
Created By: |
Brumbaugh, Adeline |
Publisher: |
Ball State Teachers College |
Source: | |
Collection: |
BSU Student Newspaper |
Rights: | |
Geography: |
Muncie Delaware County Indiana United States North and Central America |
Subjects: |
Ball State University--Newspapers |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.