1970-10-02 Ball State daily news, Vol. 50, No. 44

Easterner (Muncie, Ind.); Ball State news; Ball State daily news; Ball State University daily news; Daily news (Muncie, Ind.)

Description: Cards host No. 2 ranked Akron; Student Senate plans future strategy; Color guard, band to lead paraders; Pruis addresses senate, anti-parking move defeated; Public opinion split, student election recess; Commission: gun fire hail unreasonable, unjustified; Regulation may aid more draft resisters; Rally planners optimistic of crowd; KKK to meet in New Castle; For students: Married life entails various combinations; Nixon, Tito confer, take trip to birthplace; First Lady stresses international peace; Editorials: It takes so long ...; Up With People makes it - will you?; Musical recitals - if thats your bag; NET program to launch Realities with look at sex education in school; Childrens treats featured in Columbus, Tortoise; Marhoefer will harness pollution; Ball State hopes to unzip Zips; Feathers to fly when Cards race Falcons; Kickers seek 1st home win against Dayton Saturday; Umpire strike threatens baseball playoffs; Beasley puts hex on BSU gridders; Christiana is always biggest on team; Health center handles emergencies; Russian protest anti-Soviet campaign; Bud now belongs to Anheuser-Busch;
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Origin: 1970-10-02
Created By: Lach, Cyndi
Publisher: Ball State University
Source: http://dmr.bsu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/BSUDlyNws/id/18660
Collection: BSU Student Newspaper
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Geography: Muncie
Delaware County
United States
North and Central America
Subjects: Ball State University--Newspapers

Further information on this record can be found at its source.