National Altrusan, 1934-02

The National Altrusan

Description: Vol. 11, No. 6.; Includes: This issue in miniature; Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward; A new challenge in vocational guidance, by Margaret E. Bennett; A scheme for planned leisure, by Rose Howell Holder; Lincoln marriage shrine preserved, by Mabel A. Sutton; Something for the older woman – Annuity selling, its advantages, by Josephine Ogden; Altrusans active in the Civil Works Administration; No salary – no time clock! But it’s a real full-time job! By Luella A. Miller; A true master homemaker, by W. H. Kircher; Glimpses of our southern clubs, by Chase Going Woodhouse; Across the Editor’s Desk; Who’s afraid of an empty treasury?; Help for insane and mentally ill found in mental hygiene program, by Marjorie Heitman, M. D.; Schools must not be closed! By Eva G. Pinkston; Altrusan bookshelf, by Lucia F. Powell; Eight clubs and four districts issue local news bulletins, by Lenoir Dimmitt; Who’s who in Altrusa; What do you think about it?; Two important projects; Radio broadcasts; Recent national release; Get your handbook; Membership honor roll.
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Origin: 1934-02
Created By: Altrusa International
Contributor(s): Kern, Mary Margaret
Collection: Altrusa International Records
Geography: United States
North and Central America
Subjects: Altrusa International
Women--Societies and clubs

Further information on this record can be found at its source.