Description: |
This Indenture Witnesseth, That The First National Bank of Danville, Indiana of Hendricks County, in the State of Indiana for the sum of Twenty Six Hundred Dollars for the following Real Estate, in Hendricks County, in the state of Indiana, to-wit: A part of the west half of the North West quarter of section 9 Township 15 North Range (1) East and bounded as follows towit: Beginning at the North West corner of said quarter and running thence South 12 chains and 98 1/2 links to the right of way of the C. C. C. & St. L. Rail Way company. Thence (South 89 1/2 degrees East 20 chains and 32 links. Thence North 23 chains and 79 links to the center of Rockville Road. Thence North 62 1/2 degrees West 8 chains and 10 links; Thence West 12 chains and 32 links to the place of beginning estimated to contain 52 02/100 acres more or less. In Witness Whereof, The said First National Bank by Mord Carter, President has hereunto set its hand and seal this 3rd of May, 1900 the First National Bank of Danville, Indiana by Mord Carter its President.Warranty Deed from First National Bank Danville, Indiana to Hugh C. Brown received for record this 7 day of May 1900 at 1:00 oclock PM and Recorded in Record 87 Page 233 Wm L. Wilson Recorder for Hendricks County, Recorders Fees $100 paid duly entered for taxation May 7, 1900 Chas M. Daviness Auditor.State of Indiana Hendricks County Before me Wm. F. Franklin a surveyor in and for said County and State, this 3rd day of May 2900 appeared The First National Bank of Danville Indiana by Mord Carter its President acknowledged the execution of the within and annexed DEED to be a voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and official Seal, the 3rd day of May 1900 Wm. F. Franklin, Surveyor Hendricks County, my commission expires Nov 6, 1900 |
Origin: |
1900 |
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Collection: |
Avon-Washington Township Public Library |
Subjects: |
Brown Family |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.