Fort Wayne Firemen at a party at Halls Gas House. L-R standing: Edward Loraine, Charles Janeway, Paul Goodwin, Walter Haller, Donald Cochran, William Breeden, Edward Roberts, Franklin Hart, Robert Oman, Terry Flaugh, Robert A. Kiles. L-R seated back: Donald B. Esterline, John Jump, Melvin Koehler, Ronald Walden, William Reckeweg, George Berghoff, James Firestine, Morris Waltemath, Ernest Faurote. L-R center: Robert Morris, William George, Thomas Loraine, Henry Goodson, Robert McMahon. No date.

Contributor(s): Weber, Donald Allen
Collection: Fire Fighter Photographs
Copyright: The images in the Allen County Public Library's digital library may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal or educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission. Some collections may have other rights retained. Questions may be directed to the Special Collections Division of the Library at Genealogy@ACPL.Info or (260) 421-1225.
Geography: Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
Subjects: Fire fighters--Indiana--Fort Wayne.

Further information on this record can be found at its source.